Conditions for participation 2013
Holy Mother of God – It Is Truly Meet
Tenth Anniversary Festival of Orthodox Music
Pomorie, Bulgaria, 7-11 June 2013
Terms of participation:
Participation in the Festival of Orthodox Music in Pomorie may take Bulgarian and foreign choirs in the following categories:
1. Orthodox Church choirs, which regularly participate in Orthodox public worships and their members are not more than 36 singers.
2. Eastern chant, in which kliros singers and/or priests, as well as chamber ensembles may participate.
3. Mixed and homogeneous choirs or vocal ensembles, which include not more than 36 performers.
All performances of the Festival Programme shall be in front of public in the Nativity of Most Holy Mother ofGodChurchTemplein the town ofPomorie. Participants in the Festival may be professional or amateur groups.
1. The Programme for all categories should include optional Orthodox chants.
2. One of the chants must be It Is Truly Meet.
3. At least one of the chants should be by an author from the country–participant in the Festival.
4. It is desirably that:
– One chant should be created before 1800;
– At least one chant should be created in 20th – 21st Centuries;
– Authors from different countries should be included in the Programme.
5. The entire programme should not last less than 15 minutes and no more than 20 minutes, as the duration of each piece should be noted in the programme.
6. All participants should provide their programmes into liturgical language without new language translation and it must be without accompaniment.
Accompanying programme:
During the Festival, the groups shall have the opportunity:
– To take part in holiday public worship services in Pomorie, Burgas and Nesebar
– To participate with free programmes /temporal, folklore/ on outdoor stages in the town ofPomorie
Terms of participation:
1. Address
The entire correspondence /participation forms, questions, etc./ should be sent electronically to the following address:
For more information:
Address:5 Solna Street, town ofPomorie
Ms. Diana Apostolova, Vice Mayor of theMunicipalityofPomorie+359 882 42 00 49 Tel. +359 596 2 20 01
Ms. Yordanka Tudzharova, Artistic Consultant, Mob. +359 897 37 65 05, Tel. +359 596 2 58 09
Ms. Magdalena Shentova, Mob. +359 877 72 64 94; /on matters related to accommodation, boarding and prices/
2. Participation Form
– Each group should send a filled in participation form by 10 March 2013.
– Fees for participation are the following:
Choirs up to 12 persons should send a fee for participation in the amount of Euro 50 /per a group/, and choirs from 13 to 36 persons – in the amount of Euro 100 /per a group/ by 25 April 2013.
The fees for participation should be sent to the following bank account:
Investbank JSC Commercial Bank, Branch Office of Burgas
IBAN Account BG38IORT73788417000900
Payment Type Code: 44 40 00
The fees are not refundable.
Each group should supplement the following documents to the form of participation:
– a brief biography of the choir and conductor – up to 10 lines;
– choir and conductor’s pictures
– recently made record /audio or video/, including at least 3 Orthodox chants in mp3, mp4, wma, wav, avi, or mpeg formats;
– copies of musical scores of all chants, included in the Festival Programme;
– a list of participants, including names, dates of birth and sex.
– All expenses shall be on the participants’ account.
– Internal transport, related to performing of the Festival Programme shall be on the Organizers’ account.
– Transport expenses for all choirs from and to Pomorie shall be on the participants’ account.
– Documentary records of groups’ performances in the Festival Programme shall be included in the fee for participation, which shall be sent to all choir groups.
The Members of the Selection Board shall select choirs based on the submitted documents. The groups shall be informed about the Board decision by 20 March 2013.
Rights and Obligations
The Organizers shall hold all rights on performances during the time of the Festival, advertisement activity, broadcasting of concert programmes through various media, publishing of audio or video discs and other materials and their circulation in Bulgaria and abroad, without any obligations to the participating groups.
The Organizers of the Festival shall be responsible on the entire holding of the Festival and Concert Programme – administration, accommodation, advertisement and other accompanying activities and expenses thereon.